• If you want battery storage for your solar panel system. Your in luck!!

    If you want to add solar batteries to a system or want to include batteries in a new system, we can do it all.

    Our experts can help you plan and decide what the best options are, for your requirements, having storage can reap huge benefits for you and the members of your property but choosing the wrong setup could end up being a burden. If you are thinking about getting solar panels installed, battery storage is definitely something you may have considered.

    But where do you start?.

    Things might start to get a bit confusing especially with the amount of choice and different opinions on the internet. You need be very careful and take into account all of the different calculations when choosing, luckily we take care of all those things for you.

    Here’s a few things to think about that will help you decide what’s best for you.

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  • Payback from solar batteries

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    One of the biggest issues when deciding to get solar batteries is the payback time. for the solar batteries the payback time can be less appealing then the payback from solar panels.

    For example, a solar panel system can save up to 80% off your electricity bill, which leaves only a small margin of 20% to save using battery, so for the cost of a battery 40% compared to your solar panels 60%, there is a higher rate of payback from the panels then there is the battery.

    Let’s break it down. For a solar panel system with battery storage: Panels generate up to 80% and cost around 60% of the total, Solar batteries can save 20% and cost around 40% of the total. So we have an 80-60 over a 20-40 ratio.

    Basically the batteries take much longer to pay off then the panels. these figures aren't exact but help describe the scenario. This doesn't mean you shouldn’t get solar batteries, like I said before things can get a little confusing.

  • Which solar battery do i need

    man with 2 solar battery options graphic

    Deciding which solar battery you need can make your brain spin, if its your first experience with a solar panel system. Ther are multiple variables you should know before making a descision.

    How much energy does your property use?. you need to know the amount of energy your property uses so you can choose the correct size for your usage, no good paying out for a 5kw battery system if your only using 4kw.

    What time do you use the majority of your energy. if you use the majority of your energy when its dark then you would probably want a slightly larger solar battery system then you would if you used the majority of your energy during the day.

    How much energy do your solar panels generate?. you usually want to choose a solar battery storage system that's smaller then the energy output of your solar panel system, again because you wont be able to fill it and, unless your planning on upgrading.

  • Alternatives to solar batteries?

    man with heating and extra solar panels options graphic

    There are multiple alternatives to having battery storage, its just a matter of figuring out your exact situation and starting from there. Other alternatives include.

    Installing extra solar panels. This would mean a larger inverter and a larger system which costs more, so if you cant use the energy you generate then you have to sell it to the grid a a much smaller rate the what your paying, which would mean your paying extra for a system that could take you longer to pay off.

    Alternatively if you have an emersion heater or electric boiler, you could have an ibooster system installed instead of a battery, this would help to power your heating and save you money on your heating bill too.

    It may just be, batteries would be the best solutions for your needs, there are many more factors to consider but these should give you a guideline of how our team would tailor a system to fit your needs and budget.

Solar battery storage

  • Going Off Grid

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    If your looking to be 100% self reliant, solar panels combined with battery storage can allow you to go off grid completely dependant on the amount of energy you produce compared to your usage. It can even allow you to make a profit if you produce more.

  • Sell solar to the grid

    If you produce more energy then you use, you have the benefit of being able to sell any extra energy you produce, to the grid.

  • Off peak rates

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    With battery storage you can take advantage of off peak rates by using the energy you generated during the day from your solar panels whilst using energy from the grid during the evening when rates are much lower,

  • Rely less on grid

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    Gain peace of mind that should a crisis arise or power outages occur you have a backup, plus you are able to use the energy you generate whilst you are away from home. It’s a no brainier!

  • Reduce Carbon footprint

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    By storing your solar energy, you will be using less of the energy produced by burning fossil fules that you wouldnt be buying back from the energy suppliers resulting in a lower carbon footprint